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What Is Dysport?

“Dysport™ is an FDA-approved wrinkle relaxer. From frown lines to crow’s feet, it can lift your spirits and improve your wrinkles at the same time. With a few tiny injections Dysport™ will take effect over a period of days to banish frown lines and many other telltale signs of aging.


Dysport™ (pronounced DIS-port) is a new form of botulinum toxin A, similar to Botox, but slightly different in several ways. It takes effect quicker and lasts longer and, for the time being, is priced at a very attractive cost to the consumer.”

What Is Dysport Used For?

“Dysport™ is used to smooth frown lines and wrinkles between the eyebrows and on the forehead, known as glabellar lines. Dysport™ can also smooth crow’s feet around the eyes.


Dysport Before Frown.jpeg


Dysport After Frown.jpeg

Before and After Dysport

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